Entry Guidelines
A Step by Step guide of how to enter the IMR Manufacturing & Supply Chain Awards
Step 1
Before you Enter the awards make sure you have picked the category that you wish to enter.
You can only enter 3 categories per company. To see a full list of our categories click here.
Step 2 – Registration
If you are submitting a new entry select the link under the button
If you have already started filling out your entry form click the button Submit an Entry
See images below

Step 3 – User Registration
- If you are submitting a new entry you will be asked to fill out your details and your companies details
- If you are a new user you will be asked to fill out your information and your companies information you will need:
- Name
- Email Address
- A Password
- Country
- Phone Number
- The Name of your Company
- The Company Address and Eircode
- Your Company Logo in High Resolution
- Your Company Size (Micro 1-10, Small <50, Medium <250, Large, 250 +)
- Your Companies Twitter Handle
- Click submit when you are finished filling out all of the details to be brought to the next part of the entry form
Step 4 – Complete you Entry
- Choose the Category that you wish to enter.
- Fill in your Entry Title
- Once you have selected the category you are entering the questions related to your category will appear.
- For Example: If you are entering ‘Smart Factory Manufacturer of the Year’ you will be asked:
- Company Overview
- Use of Data and AI
- Operational Design
- Supply Chain Innovation
- Impact on External/ Internal Customer
- Each heading has a 300-word limit
- Additional materials can be uploaded to help support your answers such as Testimonials, Client References & proof of facts.
- An Additional supporting image and a video link can also be uploaded
- Click Submit when you are finished or Submit & Add New if you are entering another submission
Step 5 – Edit Submission
- Once you have clicked Submit, you will be brought to ‘My Submission’ page
- View your submission by clicking the icon that looks like a screen
- Edit your submission until the entry closing date by clicking on the icon that looks like a pen and paper.
- Duplicate your submission by clicking the icon that looks like two pages and use it as a base for another submission
- If you are duplicating your submission or adding a new one, you won’t be asked to enter your account details again.
- You can click on My Profile to view your account information
- To submit a new entry click on the button ‘Submit a New Entry’.